Adipose tissue || Skelatal tissue || types and functions

 Hello guys welcome back to my website so today we will discuss about adipose tissue,  skeletal tissue,  its type and its functions so without wasting your time let get start So firstly we know that what is adipose tissue so adipose tissue is basically an aggregation of fat cells or adipocytes.  Each fat cell is rounded or ovel in shape and contains a large droplets of fat that almost fills it. The fat cells are arranged into lobules separated by partitions of collagen and elastin fibers.  These partitions carry blood vessels of labules.  So here we know that what is adipose tissue so now we came on the function of these tissue so the first function of this tissue Provides shape to the limbs and the body. Second function of this tissue is Serve as a fat reservoir. The third function of this tissue is Keeps visceral organs in position. It form shock absorbing cushion around kidneys and eye balls. The fourth and the last function of this tissue is Acts as an insulator.................. being a poor conductor of heat. That can be reduced heat uses from body . That regulate body temperature.  

Here the adipose tissue was ended and skeletal tissue was started.  

Skeletal tissue - The skeletal or supporting tissue include cartilage and bone which form the endiskelaton of virtebrate body.       The skeletal tissue has two main type first is cartilage and second is bone . Firstly we came on cartilage skeletal tissue - So cartilage is a specialised connective tissue which is compact and less vascular. It has a widely spaced out cells. It's entansive matrix is composed of proteins , and is slightly harded by calcium salts. It's matrix is solid cheese like and firm but also slightly elastic. This accounts for its flexible nature. Now we came on its function so its function is that it provides support and flexibility to the body parts . Its smoothes the surface at joint. Now we came on second type of skeletal connective tissue that is bone -- It is a very strong and non- flexible tissue. Like cartilage , bone is a specialized connective tissue. It is porous , highly vascular , mineralised , hard and rigid . It's matrix is made up of proteins. Matrix of bone is rich in salts of calcium and magnesium such as phosphates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium. Now we came on the fungation of this second type of skeletal tissue so the function of bone is first function of bone is provides skeletal support to the body. Second function of bone is provides shape of the body. Third function of bone is protect vital body organs such as brain , lungs e.t.c . Fourth function of bone is serve as a strong site of calcium and phosphate. Fifth function of bone is anchors the muscles. 

So I hope you guys understand this topic if yes then share with your friends and family 

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