Connective tissue class 9th cbse board biology

 So hello guys welcome back to my new blog so today we will discuss about connective tissue and its type so without wasting your time let get start 

The connective tissue is specialized to connect the anchor various body organs . The tissue can connect bones to each other , muscle to bone , bind tissue and can also give support to various parts of body by creating a packing around the organs.

The packing with prevent the organs can getting displaced by body movement. Thus the main function of connective tissue are building, supporting and packing together different organ of the body. 

So here we can go on types of connective tissue . 

The first type of this connective tissue is Areoleau connective tissue - This tissue is a loose and cellular connective tissue . It's matrix consists of two type of fibers. The first is white collagen fibers , which change into gelatin on boiling in water and the second one is yellow elastic fibers or elastin . Also scattered in matrix are several kind of irregular cells.  Some of which can engulf bacteria and prevent infection. So after discuss about areolear tissue we came on its function so the first function is It facts as a supporting and a packing tissue between organs laying in a body cavity. Matrix of this tissue is important in diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from small blood vessels.   The second function of this tissue is it helps in repairs of tissues after an injury. The third function of this tissue is it also helps in combating foreign toxins . The fourth function of this tissue is it can be fixed skin to underlying muscles. 

Now we come on the type of Areoleau tissue there are two type of aleoleau tissue the first one is tendons and the second one is ligaments firstly we discuss about tendons - Tendons are cord like strong,  inelastic structure that joins Skeletal muscle to bones . A tendons is a white fibrous tissue which has great strength but limited faxibility. It consists of parallel bundles of collagen fibers between which are present row of fibroblast. Collagen fibers are bounded by areolor connecting tissue. After discussing about tendons we will discuss about ligaments connective tissue - they have elastic structure which connect bone to bone . A ligaments is highly elastic and has great strength but contain very little matrix. In ligament some elastic and many collagen fibers are bound together by areolar connective tissue.

So here we came on the second type of connective tissue the second type of connective tissue is adipose tissue - Adipose tissue is basically an aggregation of fat cells or adipocytes.

Each fat cell is rounded or ovel in shape and contains a large droplets of fat that almost fills it. The fat cells are arranged into lobules separated by partitions of collagen and elastin fibers . These partitions carry blood vessels of labules. Function of adipose connective tissue the first function of this tissue is,  it provides shape to the limbs and the body. Second function of this tissue is keeps visceral organs in position.  It form sho k observating cushions around kidneys and eye balls . Third function of this tissue is serve as a fat reservoir.  Fourth function of this tissue is acts as a insulator.  Being a poor conductor of heat , it reduce heat loss from body it regulated body temperature.  

So I hope you guys understand this topic if yes then share with your friends and family 

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