double circulatory system in hindi notes

Hello guys welcome back to my new blog so today we will discuss about Double circulatory system// Heart beat// Blood pressure// systole and dystole// systolic pressure and dystolic pressureso without wasting your time let get start 

Double circulatory system__ A circulatory  system in which the blood travels twice through the heart in one complete cycle of the body is called double circulation system. In the human circulatory system the path way of the blood from heart to the lungs and back to heart is called palmonary circulation .

The path way of the blood from the heart to the rest of the body and back to the heart is called systematic circulation. This two type of circulation is taken togather make double circulation.

Heart beat -- One  complete contraction and relacesection of a heart is called heartbeat. The heart usually beats about 70 to 72 times in a minute, When we are resting . The heart beat become faster during exercise and after exercise.

Because our body can need more energy in this type of condition. 

Pulse rate -- The expension of an artery each time the blood is forced in it , this is called pulse rate. The pulse rate of an adult person while resting is 70 to 72 times per minute. 

Thus , the pulse rate is similar to the heart beat . 

Blood pressure-- It is the pressure at which the blood os pumped in our body by the heart is called blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured by using a device or instrument which is called sphygmomanometer.Blood pressure of any person is always exprsed in the form of two values called dystrolic pressure and systolic pressure. But firstly we know about systole and dystole and then we came on systolic pressure and dystolic pressure. 

Systole-- It is the phase of heart beat when the heart contracts and pumps the blood in to the arteries is called systole. 

Dystole-- It is the phase of heart beat when the heart relax and alloys the chambers to fill with blood , this is called dystole. 

Systolic pressure-- It is the maximum pressure at which the blood leaves the heart to the main arteries during conseration phase , then it is called systolic pressure.  

Dystolic pressure-- The minimum pressure on the arteries during the relaxation phase of the heart , that is called Dystolic pressure. 

The normal blood pressure of a adult person are -- systolic pressure =120mmHg and Dystolic pressure =80mmHg. This is usually written as 120/80.

I hope you guys understand this topic if yes then share with your friends and family .

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