minerals meaning in hindi

So hello guys welcome back to my website so today we will discuss about non ferrous minerals and rock minerals so without wasting your time let get start and I will upload the topic of ferrous minerals so you can learn ferrous minerals also by just clicking on my name SATYAM MISHRA and you will go on home page So we come back on our topic so without wasting your time let get start 

Non ferrous minerals- so a very important question generate that is what is non ferrous minerals so non ferrous minerals are those minerals that do not contain iron content that is called non ferrous minerals. The production of non ferrous minerals is not sufficient in India. The non ferrous minerals include copper , lead , zinc , bauxite , gold e.t.c. which are important for various industries such as metallurgical, electrical industries and engineering. The distribution of non ferrous minerals that is bauxite and copper are discussed below. So firstly we will discuss about copper and after the discussion about copper we will know about bauxite.  

Copper- According to my personal perspective Copper is a very common material, because it can be used in many different ways such copper wires in our homes and so much. It is commonly know because of it one of the important property that is excellent conductive of electricity. Copper is mainly used in manufacturing of electric cables and in chemicals and electronic industries. The main states of copper producers in India are Balaghat mine in Madhya Pradesh, Khetri mine in Rajasthan, and Singhbhum mine in Jharkhand. OK so our Cooper is completed so now we came on 

Bauxite- It is less useful minerals than comparison to copper. It is mainly used for obtaining aluminium. When we decompose a wide variety of rock which is rich in aluminium silicates then bauxite is formed. Bauxite is clay like minerals or substance in which alumina can extract and later ot is developed in to aluminium. It is known for their lightness and strength. It is commonly and mostly used in manufacturing of utensil, electrical goods e.t.c. Maikal hills , Amarkhantak Plateau, and Plateau regions of Bilaspur Kanti are the main places where bauxite deposited in state of Madhya Pradesh. According to the data of 2016-17 Odisha is the largest producer of bauxite in India.

The main place of bauxite deposit in Odisha is Panchpatmali deposit in Koraput district in Odisha.  

So after discuss about non ferrous minerals we will discuss about rock minerals so that wasting your time let get start So firstly we know that main type of rock minerals so the main rock mineral is limestone. It is a main rock mineral that is found in sedimentary rocks. It is made up of calcium carbonate or calcium and magnesium carbonate. The mainly use of limestone is for melting iron ore in blast furnaces of steel plants and for manufacturing of cement it is basic raw material . According to the data of 2016-17 Rajasthan has largest share in limestone that is 21%.

So today's we will stop our discussion and next topic that is non metallic minerals is uploaded as soon as possible so I hope you guys understand this topic if yes then share this with your friends and family. 

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