Plant tissue culture. ;meristematic tissue and its type | class 9th cbse board

 Hello guys welcome back to my new blog so today we will discuss about plant tissue , type of plant tissue,  maristematic tissue its definition and its type. So without wasting your time let get start So firstly we know that how many kind of plant tissue?? So, there are two type of plant tissue the first one is meristematic tissue and the second one is permanent tissue. So firstly we know about meristematic tissue and its type so let's get start 

Meristematic tissue-- The cells of this tissue is divide continuously and help to grow the plant. These cells shows the following characteristics-- 

1. The Meristematic cells may be spherical,  oval, polygonal, or rectangular in shape.   2. The cells of Meristematic tissue are similar in structure and have thin cellulose cell walls .   3. Each Meristematic cells contain danse or abundant cytoplasm a d a single large nucleus.    4. The Meristematic cells are compact arranged and do not contain any intercellular space between them.   5. The Meristematic cells contain only few vacuoles or no vacuoles at all. 

Now we will discuss about the type of Meristematic tissue , there are three type of Meristematic tissue the first one is Apical Meristematic tissue , the second one is Lateral Meristematic tissue,  and the third and last type of this tissue is called Intercalary Meristematic tissue. So firstly we know that what is Apical Meristematic tissue-- These tissue are satuiated at the growing tip of stems and roots at shoot apex and root apex. Apical Meristems are also found at apiece of the leaves. So now we came on the second type of Meristematic tissue which is Lateral Meristematic tissue-- These type of tissue is found in th bark and in vascular bundles of dicot roots and stems. These are found in the covering of thin layers. Combium is rhe region which is responsible for growth in thickness. So now we came on the third and last type of Meristematic tissue that is Intercalary Meristematic tissue-- this type of tissue are found in or located at the base of leaves or internode stems of grasses and other monocots,  such type of tissue are also occur in the below of the nodes. 

So I hope you guys understand this topic if yes then share with your friends and family 

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